So many people assume being slim will make them happy. This underlying
belief perpetuates the search for many who believe that ‘slim equals
happy’. But if you’re like me and found being slimmer didn’t equate to
being happier… you’re probably feeling unsure of the validity of this
idea. Is happiness a by-product of our weight, or is our current weight a
reflection of our happiness? What if you could get slimmer by being
I had been overweight since I could remember, the pictures showed
a beautiful girl who started getting chubby at 8; she continued to gain
weight until she peaked at 99kg. I was never happy, and I found my
unhappiness easy to blame on my weight. If I wasn’t so big I could enjoy
swimming and sports... If I wasn’t so big I’d have more confidence to
make friends or say what I think… If you’ve struggled with your weight,
you'll also know that it can feel as though extra weight drains the
goodness out of every experience… Or does it? Fast forward 5 years and I
had dropped 30kg, and while I was happier with my appearance, that
happiness didn’t blanket over my whole life. I felt jaded, I felt
ripped-off that after shedding 30kg I was still quite miserable.
miserable and gorgeous size 12 is nothing compared to a happy and
gorgeous size 12.
When Gina's experiences concurred with mine; that every drop in her
weight equated to an increase in her happiness, we both concluded the
happier we are - the slimmer we become. When we focus our attention on
our happiness, and actively seek to expand it, we ultimately slim easily
and stay slim effortlessly. Have you met someone who believes their
excess weight is the sole cause of their misery; they try so hard to
lose it, that they end up gaining?
All of us have at least a portion of happiness in our lives. What if
you chose to focus on this? Are you curious to see what would happen if
you focused on increasing your happiness? The following 4 steps are
suggestions you can use to slim easily by increasing your happiness.
Step 1) Identify the source of your current happiness.
Write down your gratitude list (start with 10 things), and remember
what you focus on expands. Focus in regularly on all the reasons why you
love your life, why you are blessed to be you, and why you get to feel
good every day. For example your gratitude list might include: Beautiful
weather, a call from a friend, an unexpected bonus, a good movie,
finding a $2 coin, good teeth, weekends with family, rewarding
friendships, or delicious food etc.
Step 2) Create a daily practice of focusing on what brings you joy.
Creating a habitual way of focusing on what brings you joy is the
easiest way to make sure you get into the swing of it. Challenge
yourself to focus on joy for one month. Weigh yourself tomorrow morning,
then commit to a daily gratitude practice and see how good your results
Application Suggestions: a morning gratitude meditation, morning
gratitude walk, singing about what you are grateful for (in the
shower/car/around the house), or telling yourself why you’re grateful in
your own mind.
I personally write a gratitude list every single day, as I reflect on
my blessings I realise how easily I could have forgotten some of them.
As I reflect and ponder upon why I’m grateful, myriads of experiences
and feelings flow into my mind… A small blessing (there really are no
small blessings are there), a kind deed or a special happening that may
have gone unrecognised gently rises to the surface as I ask, "What am I
grateful for"? Training our minds to focus on our blessings is one of
the key habits of happy people (who are most often slim). This practice
works universally for anyone willing to apply it. As you actively
increase and seek out all of the things that bring you joy, fulfillment,
peace and contentment, you’ll be welcoming more into your life.
Step 3) Contribute whatever you can to increase the happiness of others.
You definitely can’t give without
receiving; and likewise you can actively turn the tides in your favour
and receive more by giving. Remember, ‘what you focus on expands’.
Watching others be happy will inadvertently increase your happiness as
Application Suggestions: donating/ sharing your time for neighbours/
co-workers/ family/ or friends. Making a genuine donation to a cause you
believe in, preparing a meal for a friend or family member. Dropping
off baking for someone you love etc will inadvertently increase your
happiness too.
Step 4) Use words that uplift yourself and others
Listen to the words you use when you’re talking to others or
yourself. The words you choose to use help to form and create the world
in which you live. Actively choose words to think and say that will
create more happiness for yourself and others. It’s a common mistake to try and decrease the stresses or things we
don’t like in our life. But remember what you focus on expands; focus on
what is stressing you… even if it’s for the sole purpose of decreasing
it, and you may find it actually increases. I suggest a one month trial where you focus on everything you have
that you want, that you love, that you enjoy… So many women connect slim
with happy. I believe the true correlation is actually; when I’m happy,
I’m slim.
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