Monday, March 12

Does our inner world reflect our outter world or Does our outter world reflect our inner world?

It’s often said that a dog reflects their owner… Or is the other way around? Like attracts like… What about our home? Does your home reflect you…? Or more importantly does your home reflect your state of your mind?

When I first started wanting to clean up my mind, I found the work quite difficult. I noticed when I felt like a mess in my head… my room looked like a mess too. Likewise when my room was orderly, clean and clear my mind reflected the same condition.

So, instead of trying to discover whether it was the chicken or the egg that came first; how could we use this awareness of the link between the state of our mind and our room/house to support us in maintaining a clear, orderly state of mind?

Use your room/ house as an awareness tool. If you notice your room/ house is messy… Use is as an opportunity to go inside and become more aware of your state of mind. The same goes that if you know your mind is not orderly, and you’re finding it difficult to change; you can always start ordering your room/ kitchen/ house. Observe how cleaning your environment and creating an orderly space simultaneously creates a clean and orderly state of mind.

I've become a big believer in Feng Shui. Feng Shui is about creating order, balance and beauty in our surrounding environment. It asks you to surround yourself with things that bring you joy, peace and happiness (or whatever you want... they are the things I love surrounding myself with). 

If there is anything:
1)      broken
2)      unused for the past year 
3)      or that doesn’t bring you joy 

Throw it away, give it away, sell it or donate it. Get it out of your environment.

I’ve noticed a parallel over the years by observing the homes and minds of close friends and family. Here are a few of my observations:
A: Those who hoard stuff from the past, also live in memories from the past
B: Those who get rid of what they don’t need now live more in the present
C: Those who keep broken unused objects find it difficult to get at what they do need in the moment.
D: Those who throw away what is broken, unused or unloved receive what is right, useful and pleasing into their lives.

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