We’ve all struggled with our weight. Feeling like it’s a difficult process is extremely common in our field. Gina and I felt that way for so long, and it wasn’t until we took charge of how we were thinking that we were able to change.
How can you take charge of how you’re thinking about weight-loss?
Write down the top three things that come to your mind when you think of weight-loss:
Now look at these answers. If someone else thought and felt this way about weight-loss, would they be getting any results? What you get is what you expect! So, you may as well expect what you want then?
However we choose to see the situation is exactly how we see it. How we choose to talk about our experience actually defines our experience.
If you have been unconsciously viewing your slimming process as a struggle, realize all the pictures and expressions you use in your mind and speech are making this come true for you. Consider what difference it could make it you used more supportive images and words which would help it feel like a slim healthy vital person?
Some suggestions for new thoughts/ metaphors around weight-loss include:
- I’m going to allow my excess weight to melt away, as easy as the snowcapped mountains melting in spring.
- Just like when I first learned to drive I concentrate on eating only when I’m hungry and soon it will be habitual and I’ll have slimmed easily in the process.
- With the excited anticipation of a count down to an exciting event, each kilo vanishes as quickly as each week. Steadily and surely my day will come.
Go on, do something different. Gina and I always believe that the proof is in the pudding… What if you believed that weight-loss could be easy and focused on that thought everyday really believing it for a month… What could happen for you? It’s only after our clients learn to change their thinking around weight-loss, continually re-enforce the new belief and act from a knowing that it is true for them (even if that can’t fully comprehend it in the moment) that they see easy results. Is it worth a try for you?
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