Monday, December 5

Has dieting failed you too?

          Dieting failed us, and we believe that dieting actually fails everyone inevitably. The promises it offers are appealing in the moment, but the results are fleeting. We did that bold thing that many of us long to do… we abandoned dieting forever! Yep, we promised ourselves, that we would never diet again.
          They say the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result. Yet time and time again women go back to dieting, back to the only way they know they can lose weight. The problem with dieting is that it does deliver weight-loss; if you can stick to it. And once you have forced yourself and struggled for long enough to ‘stick with it’ you are faced with the glaring reality that in order to stay at your goal you have to keep at the same struggle.
           We knew that dieting wouldn’t help us to stay slim in the long run, so it ceased to be appealing to us. But the obvious question arises, if you’re not dieting then what? We made the bold decision to move the goal post to our true desires and said, ‘Not only do we want to slim; but we want to be able to enjoy the process of slimming, while eating any type of food we like AND know how to stay slim as well.’

           Were we asking too much? Is it even possible? No, it's not asking to much, it's what we all deserve! And Yes it's totally possible once you have the right mindset. Gina and I now eat everyday in a way that allows us to enjoy all foods, and yet stay slim and happy with ourselves in the process. We learned how to eat like naturally slim people! We now devote ourselves to helping other women who want to accomplish the same.

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