Monday, February 20

The Power to Create What we Want

We’ve all heard the new age adage that we are the creators of our own lives. What is this power of creation, how does it sculpt our lives and how can we use this knowledge to make the changes we want?

The Change Model visually describes how our beliefs (the idea’s we individually believe to be true) influence our thoughts, and likewise our thinking influences our feelings. Our feelings or emotional responses are what make the biggest impact on our choices. Continuing on from there our choices influence our actions and our actions create our reality. 

This Change Model contains powerful information about how we can create the life/ body we want. If our reality is merely a representation of our accumulated beliefs; then our life, our body,  and our current reality provides the most powerful feed-back system there is. Whatever we are happy with in our reality is a testament to the supportive beliefs that created them. Likewise, if there is something we don’t like in our life, then we can use this as feed-back to trace it to the unsupportive beliefs behind them.

Gina and I have used this information to create the figures and relationship with food we always wanted, as well as the career of our dreams, ideal partners, an ideal lifestyle and so on. 

Nevertheless  there are two main reasons why people can reject the idea that we create our reality:

1)      There are too many variables to consider ones self the sole creator of our own life.

2)      It can be too unappealing to consider ourselves responsible for our current life.

We both once struggled to comprehend how we are the creators of our world. Here are some of the idea’s that supported us. If we don’t consider ourselves the most powerful factor in creating the life we want, then we unconsciously choose to allow our community, family, church, government and or society at large to create our lives for us. Gina and I treasure our freedom, we love knowing that if there is something in our lives that we’d like to improve then we have absolute power to be able to make that change. Likewise, not accepting our power forces us to remain trapped in blaming others for our circumstances and rendering ourselves powerless to change. 

So, when we first tasted the pain of realising we had unconsciously created a lot of the circumstances that we didn’t like in our lives it was quite difficult. A large part of us wanted to reject that idea because it hurt us so much at the time... after it had simmered for a little while, our feelings began to change… It dawned on us with hopeful clarity that if we had created what we didn’t like in the past… we also had the power to create what we do want in the future. That’s when things really started to improve for us.

We now actively use our lives as a feed-back system. Seeing what we do like confirms the supportive beliefs we used to create it, and likewise when we see anything we don’t like we’re able to use our awareness to trace it back to an unsupportive belief. Spotting unsupportive beliefs and changing them is now a way of life for us both and is a powerful creating journey. If you'd like to know more about how to change unsupportive beliefs, go to and get our FREE Book excerpts. Louise L. Hay puts it beautifully: "Life is very simple. We create our experiences by our thinking and feeling patterns. What believe about ourselves and our Life becomes true for us."

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