Monday, February 6

Does fear stop you from really living?

Caroline Myss questions us powerfully, “Do you really want to look back on your life and see how wonderful it could have been had you not been afraid to live it?”

It’s easy to read this quote and want to resound with a powerful ‘NO!’ All the while making second rate choices and ever so slightly or greatly resigning from what you want most. Get clear on what is really going on.

Whenever we want something, we unconsciously or consciously weigh up the effort, investment and potential risks involved in obtaining our desire. This is an important task. But have you trained your mind to focus on the risks, problems or obstacles to the point that you can't get moving on anything you want?

What if you spent more time thinking about having that which you desire most?

What might happen?

Go on, admit to yourself right now. What is it that I want most right now? Close your eyes, go within yourself and find your most sincere heart’s desire right now. Feel the feelings you’ll have once you have what is it that you desire most.

The secret is that imagining having what you desire most, can give you all the energy, vitality and enthusiasm to do whatever is necessary to obtain in reality what you want most.

Remember that there is effort, investment and many potential risks involved in all of your choices no matter what you’re shooting for. The idea of complete safety, assurance and guaranteed ease does not exist. So, if you are going to have to take risks, make investments and trust yourself to stay buoyed up despite the risks  - Go for what you truly want most! I dare ya!

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