Tuesday, April 9


Date: Monday April 8th 2013

     April is going to be my personal challenge month. At the end of April I’m expecting to weigh less through intuitive eating, than I have through restrictive diets.  Although it sounds impossible to lose weight effectively by not dieting, I know it works. I haven’t weighed myself for a couple of weeks because, at the moment, the art of eating intuitively is more important to me than checking my weight on the scales.

     In the last week, I experienced “intuitive exercise”. I have a gym membership and in a perfect world, I would be at the gym three mornings per week as well as taking a walk outside on some days. Since it’s not a perfect world, this hasn’t been happening lately. I started to wonder whether my absence would be noticed at the gym; I began to consider the money that I was spending on my fortnightly membership and just for a moment, I felt guilty about not attending. 

     But then I considered all of the reasons that I hadn’t attended – my husband had been unwell and this had put additional pressure on my time and energy; I’d been helping my daughter to pull down her old fence and prepare the area for a new one; I’d been carrying on with my usual volunteer work and other weekly commitments; and I’d been extraordinarily busy with various other activities.
     As an “outlet” I had been getting out in the garden and doing the mowing. Every time I needed a “breather”, I found myself outside, pushing the mower around for a couple of hours. As well as that, I calculated that the time spent doing heavy garden work at my daughter’s house totalled approximately 15 hours. Why on earth would I feel guilty about not going to the gym? Not only had I been too busy, but I had put in more hours of strength, cardio and resistance training in the garden than I could ever have done during three mornings at the gym.
With the first 8 days of April behind me and quite a few ahead, I’m looking forward to eating and exercising intuitively so that my personal challenge month is a success. My measure of success will come from more than just the scales – if I’ve spent most of my days eating only when I’m hungry and stopping when I feel just satisfied, I will have made progress.

Tuesday, April 2


Date: Monday April 1st 2013

     This week I found it necessary to delve back into Chapters 2 and 3 of “The Weigh to Freedom” and re-read about mindset and about overcoming emotional eating. The intuitive eating seemed to come naturally to me in the preceding weeks and I was joyfully discovering how to slim whilst enjoying the foods I loved. 

     It wasn’t Easter that presented me with challenges as there were no Easter Eggs in the house. The challenges came with a high stress situation that occurred over a number of days. I could barely think straight, let alone think about whether I was hungry or not.  By the time I realised I needed food, my eating seemed all over the place.  Was my body demanding foods that would provide the energy I needed to cope? Or was I comfort eating? One thing’s for certain: I was eating when I wasn’t hungry and didn’t stop when I was satisfied. 

     Although I’m still trying to gain back the control I had before the week began, I decided that I could look at this week’s situation from two points of view. The first would be that I’d failed miserably and I could “beat myself up about it” or the second (and most appealing to me) is that I’d experienced a situation that I can learn from.  How could I do things differently next time? What is one thing that I could focus on next time? By reading Chapter 3 I decided I could focus on how I’m feeling, accept how I’m feeling and then try to bring a balance to my thinking that allows me to “sit with it” rather than fight it. 

     Using Lysa & Gina’s approach to weight loss I don’t have a set agenda for losing my excess kilograms. I know that slowly and surely the kilograms will melt away provided I follow the three weight loss principles and examine my thoughts and feelings in difficult times. I am in this for life, so this week was merely a learning experience. I’m not dwelling on the decisions I made under stress, but I am looking forward to using my experiences to do things differently next time.

Friday, March 22


Date: Friday 22nd March 2013

     There’s no doubt that traditional dieting, involving restriction of calories or restriction of foods can be a major catalyst for over-eating.  In my case my body always wanted to make up for the deficit in calories or nutrients by embarking on days of out-of-control eating.

     To me, the destructiveness of this kind of eating was pretty evident, so it made sense for me to follow Lysa & Gina’s weight loss principles which don’t involve deprivation and don’t  involve being hungry. In fact, it feels so right to be neither hungry nor full – a sensation that I’m not used to experiencing.
Using the WEIGH TO FREEDOM method of intuitive eating I have lost the desire to “treat myself” all the time. It’s not that I used to feel that I’d “been good” and deserved a treat, it was that I was sub-consciously miserable and was “treating” myself with food to make me feel better. I was always seeking an excuse to indulge in a treat.

     How liberating it is to know that I’m free to eat whatever I wish as long as I don’t eat past the point of satisfaction. Lysa and Gina’s most powerful words for me are “Eat what you truly want to eat”. This is not the same as “Eat what you want”.  Whenever I’m faced with a decision about food I use those words to decide. My decision is not based on the calories, fat, fibre or nutritional value of the food, but on what I truly feel like eating at that moment.

     Today I weighed myself. There was no feeling of urgency to weigh myself; there was no waiting for “that” moment when the scales came up with the number that would make or break my day;  there was no panic about whether I had been a success or a failure over the last week; there was no loading up on protein so that I could manipulate the results of my weigh-in in order to  feel like a winner.  Not this time. I felt calm, relaxed and confident that I had followed the three principles. I had done my best, occasionally eaten a little more than to the point of satisfaction and felt I was about to receive some valuable feedback.....nothing more, nothing less. The week ahead looks positive as I follow three easy to remember principles. Thanks Lysa and Gina.

     Oh and by the “weigh”, I lost a happy, stress-free, diet-free 1.5 kilograms this week. I don’t need to “reward” myself for this effort, because it was done whilst enjoying all of my favourite foods J

Tuesday, March 19


                                                                                                                       Tuesday 19th March 2013

     Every now and then, something remarkable happens in my life. Something unplanned and yet, something that was meant to be.  And so it was, when I was in a mechanic’s waiting room and came across a magazine that was nine months old. The article that struck me was the story of Lysa and Gina and their “Weigh to Freedom” approach. For some time I had been thinking about a slow approach to losing unwanted kilograms; for many months I had been analysing my relationship with food. Yet, try as I might, I could not find an approach that was sustainable for me.
     I had tried them all: low-carb, high-carb, high protein, Atkins, counting this and weighing that. Yet still I couldn’t sustain the effort required. Dare I say, the more I dieted, the more weight I gained and the more I berated myself for my failure to “have what it takes”.
     A quick visit to Lysa & Gina’s website, an exchange of emails, a conversation with Lysa and before I knew it my new book “WEIGH TO FREEDOM” was delivered to my letter box and was begging to be read.
     I started with the supplementary work-book “The 3 Principles to Weight-Loss 7 Day Course”. There are times in my life when I would have read those words “The 3 Principles of Weight-Loss” and would have “poo-hooed” them. But not this time. What I was reading made sense, seemed right, seemed easy and believable and I was keen to put these principles into practice right away.
     DAY ONE: and I made two amazing discoveries..... I didn’t actually feel hungry  during the day and therefore my meal times varied incredibly from my norm; and being allowed to have whatever I wanted had a reversal effect on my brain. Suddenly, it didn’t matter whether I ate those biscuits or not. It didn’t matter if I had home-made cookies in the jar. They lost their appeal.
     DAY TWO: was equally astonishing. Eating only when I was physically hungry, meant that my breakfast was eaten much later than usual and my next meal wasn’t until mid-afternoon. COULD THIS BE ME?  I was eating LESS by NOT dieting than I do on my “diet days”. I can honestly say that this was completely effortless. I gave little thought to what-and-when I would eat and by the end of the day I realised that my body had told me exactly what I needed  (just as  Lysa and Gina had said).
     DAYS THREE & FOUR: Yes, I’ve only just begun but already I feel different: more relaxed, free from rules and constraints, less stressed out about food decisions and happier within myself. I have read the book and am now re-reading, taking notes and learning about myself. I’m excited about the possibilities ahead and already, I feel as though I am SUCCESSFUL.

Jill Brooks

Friday, August 10

Results with Rountine

Easy weight-loss is only possible when we fall in love with the process. When you fall in love with a winning process, the consistency is rewarded with easy weight-loss results. Gina and I love supporting people to find how to create easy weight-loss that is sustainable. The purpose of this blog is to share a variety of creative ideas for your Routine; we want you to use this information to discern what routines you have or want to have, that will support your success.

Did you know that your conscious mind is relatively slow compared to the ease of speed possible using your unconscious mind? Routines are a powerful way to allow your unconscious mind to take-over and get a million things done quickly and easily. Today we’ll share some suggestions for routines that will help you connect to your body, intuitively eat and help you be kind to yourself.

Stephen Covey speaks about the value of first creating in your mind. “[It’s] based on imagination--the ability to envision in your mind what you cannot at present see with your eyes. It is based on the principle that all things are created twice. There is a mental (first) creation, and a physical (second) creation. The physical creation follows the mental, just as a building follows a blueprint. If you don't make a conscious effort to visualize who you are and what you want in life, then you empower other people and circumstances to shape you and your life by default.”

By first creating in your mind what you desire, you’ll support yourself to create what you desire a second time in reality. I support the notion that effective planning on the mental level supports an easy execution on the physical level. So, here are some ideas for you to create your own rockin’ routine. Read through the following routines and allow them to stimulate your mind.  What routine get results for you?

Routine Suggestions:

If your objective is to feel good for the day, and be in a positive loving state of mind… Try Morning Gratitude: 1) Getting your gratitude journal, 2) Write down what you’re thankful for 3)Feel thankful and joyous as you reflect on your blessings 4) Turn your mind to today and what you desire 5) Say a prayer asking for support and guidance to achieve your desires.

If your objective is to connect with your body and place yourself in a loving and calm state of mind… Try Daily Stretch: 1) Move to your space for stretching, put on music (if you like) 2) Lay down and feel your breath 3) Bring awareness from the top of your head down through your neck, throat, heart, stomach, pelvis, legs and feet 4) Stretch each segment of your body, from your neck, to your arms, your back, your gluteus, thighs and calves 5) Express your gratitude and love for every part of your body 6) Visualise your heart’s desire.

If your objective is to focus on intuitive eating every day… Try Blissful Breakfast: 1) Once you’re hungry, ask yourself ‘What do I truly want to eat’ 2) Prepare your breakfast 3) Look at your breakfast with gratitude 4) Enjoy each mouthful, and feel it’s texture and flavor in your mouth, feel it move down your throat feel it move into your tummy 5) Finish  when your huger feelings are gone 6) Thank your body for helping you enjoy delicious energy 7) Visualise your day moving smoothly and effectively.

If your objective is to use your daily travel time to develop a supportive mindset… Try Conscious Commute: 1) Get into your car, set your intention for your drive E.G. To be grateful, To get into a great mindset, To visualize your goals etc. 2) Use your commuting time to fulfill this intention (Use a positive talk tape?) 3) Arrive at work feeling prepared for your day with a fabulous mindset.

If your objective is to relax and detach from your day and continue to build a loving relationship with yourself… Try Lullaby Garden: 1) Wash your day away in the shower 2) Empty your mind 3) Lovingly dry your body 4)Moisturise your body,  sending every part love and gratitude 5) Get into bed and visualize your sacred inner garden, go there and relax, enjoy your surroundings 6) Ask your inner guidance for love, support and healing 7) Visualise yourself/ your life as you most desire it to be.

Friday, August 3

Making & Keeping Promises

Are you known by others as someone who keeps a promise?

          The answer to that question could tell a lot about your life. The value that you place on fulfilling the promises that you make to other people, is a clear reflection on how much you value yourself. How you make and keep promises impacts every area of your life: your ability to get slim or stay slim, the quality of your romantic relationship, and the degree of prosperity in your life.When we find it too hard to keep a promise, it can be easy to rationalize our short-fall by saying, “I had too much on”, or “It’s not that important to me”…  However our efforts to keep a promise is actually an indication of how we value ourselves. ‘Integrity is, fundamentally, the value we place on ourselves. It’s our ability to make and keep commitments to ourselves, to “walk our talk.”’ Stephen R. Covey. As Covey describes, our ability to make and keep promises could be summed up in one word: Integrity. The Wikipedia defines Integrity as "...a concept of consistency of actions, values, methods, measures, principles, expectations, and outcomes. The word "integrity" stems from the Latin adjective integer (whole, complete). In this context, integrity is the inner sense of "wholeness" deriving from qualities such as honesty and consistency of character. As such, one may judge that others "have integrity" to the extent that they act according to the values, beliefs and principles [promises] they claim to hold.”

Some people try to avoid the pain of not fulfilling a promise, by not making one in the first place. It would seem they have avoided the pitfall of disappointing others; however failing to make a promise likewise negates any chance of increasing your self-confidence. There is no other way to build your self-confidence (self-trust, self-esteem and self-respect) other than making promises that you fulfill.

The internal strength that comes from making promises you are sure you can and will deliver on, develops a powerful reservoir of strength and commitment. It’s common problem for many who promise themselves, ‘I’ll start eating better tomorrow’... If they do follow through on this promise, then their self-confidence grows and the new habit is easier to maintain. If you make the same promise to yourself and fail to deliver, then conversely your self-confidence is weakened your  sense of self-trust will erode. Making more difficult to follow through in the future. We all do this sometimes… Have you ever said to yourself, “I will pay Mum & Dad back that $50”, and then completely forget about it… You tell your spouse, “I will mow the lawn” but they end up hiring someone else to do it after 2 weeks, “I will pay off my credit card in 6 months”… gets side-tracked by an impromptu vacation. When we follow through on a promise, we build and strengthen our power, self-respect and self-belief. In short, we strengthen ourselves by, making promises we know we’ll keep; and  honoring every promise we make.

Steps to strengthen your ability to keep promises:

1)      Be clear on what’s most important to you for each month (week, day). Write down one clear priority every month (or more the further along you get). Taking on too much is a sure fire way to weaken your ability to follow through.

2)      Get comfortable saying ‘No’… Most people don’t like declining a request from another, we like to avoid the discomfort of saying ‘no’ and instead make an agreement that we sometimes fail to fulfill. Building your comfort around saying ‘No’ helps you avoid the latter pain of letting someone down.

3)      Record what and who you have made promises to. Keeping a record and following up with yourself, will help you stay focused and support you to follow through.

4)      When contemplating whether or not you will agree to a request from another, be clear with yourself about how much it will cost you. What investment of time, energy (physical, intellectual, emotional and spiritual),  and money will it take to deliver on this promise. Ask yourself if the outcome is worth committing yourself to?

5)      Start keeping promises in just one area of your life (to start with). Te area where you want to see the most improvement. E.G. Your finances, your romantic relationship, your family life, your occupation etc.

How good are you at keeping promises?

Do you keep your promises to your family members
0 - Never    3 - Rarely   5 - Sometimes   10 - Often   15 - Most Times 20 - Always

Do you keep your promises to your employer?
0 - Never    3 - Rarely   5 - Sometimes   10 - Often   15 - Most Times 20 - Always 

Do you keep your promises to yourself?
0 - Never    3 - Rarely   5 - Sometimes   10 - Often   15 - Most Times 20 - Always 

Do you keep your promises to your partner/spouse/ best friend?
0 - Never    3 - Rarely   5 - Sometimes   10 - Often   15 - Most Times 20 - Always 

Do you keep your promises with your friends?
0 - Never    3 - Rarely   5 - Sometimes   10 - Often   15 - Most Times 20 - Always 

0-15: Integrity is not very important to you. You have little regard for yourself and even less for those around you. You don’t want to rely on you; you struggle to have hope in a brighter future. You feel you have little power to create what you want, and you don’t believe you can have what you want. No one has kept promises to you, so you find it hard to care when others need to rely on you.

15-35: You struggle to follow through on your promises. Most people around you wouldn’t choose to ask you for anything, they know you don’t keep your promises. You pay the price of valuing integrity low… Not getting promotions, struggling to keep romantic relationships, and suffering financially. Take the time to ask yourself, what do you really want in life? Maybe some things aren’t important to you? Find something that is important to you, try and do your best to follow through on your commitments in this one area, and see what happens when you do.

35-65: You are able to commit and follow through sometimes; but people can find you difficult to rely on. Everything can seem to pile up on you at once and leave you unable to deliver on all of the promises you make. Simplify your load and get more comfortable saying “No”. Choose someone in your life who you want to be there for 100%; make it your priority to keep your commitments to that one person.

65-75: Integrity is important to you; you try your best to keep your commitments. You’re not always able to deliver and need to be clearer on your priorities. Your best of intentions fall flat if you don’t follow through. Only make the commitments you know you will follow through on; it’s ok to say ‘no’ to anything you think you might not be able to fulfill.
85-100: You value integrity highly, you do your very best to always deliver on the promises you make. You have moved mountains in order to deliver on a commitment, and in turn you’ve seen others stretch themselves to match your efforts.  You know that the strength of your integrity is your foundation for success in every area of your life, and you honor it with your life.