Living true to who we
really are allows us to live from a place of real power. We have more presence,
focus and awareness to give ourselves fully to every moment. Authentic can be
defined as genuine; real; not false. So, what does ‘genuine’ mean? Being genuine
is being free
from pretense or
hypocrisy; it’s being sincere. Being authentic is living true to who you really
are. It’s dropping the façade, dropping the pretense and being your genuine
real self.
And sure, you may be
thinking… “How can I be who I really am all the time?” Sure enough, being our
real authentic genuine self may not always be comfortable or convenient. We are
not saying that you need to be 100% you all of the time from the very start.
There may be circumstances that do require you to play a role, and tone down or
play up elements of yourself that will support that situation.
Once upon a time, we all were authentic - all the time. As little children we loved who we were and felt joy living true to our real authentic self. But life (family, friends, school, church, society ect) taught us that not everyone is always going to support or approve of all that we naturally are… So we began adjusting ourselves. Pushing down parts of ourselves that didn’t win us approval, putting on a safer face to make someone else happy or more comfortable around us.
So, the real problem here
is that some of us have been doing inauthenticity for so long… that you may
have forgotten who you really are and what being who you really are feels like?
It’s easy to believe that our façade is who we really are. If you’re not
dropping the social mask/facade even amongst your closest friends and family,
it could be a sign that you need to re-connect with your real self again… Start
by focusing on finding that fabulous inner you. She’s there, always has been.
And Gina and I have noticed how that inner true self is always trying to get
our attention and help us to re-connect. Living more from that place as often
as we can is the first step to claiming back our genuine authentic self.
The fun thing is that being who you really are is actually effortless, relaxing, easy and it feels liberating. Our authentic self has a gentle child-like ease to it that’s a cinch to shift into. Once you’ve been there and you feel how great it is, you’ll want to spend more and more time living from that place. The freedom of knowing that as adults, we get to choose who we spend our time with is another supportive bonus. If there are people who don’t support you living and being authentic… then you get to reduce your contact with them as much as you like. It’s freeing and liberating to give yourself permission to be your fabulous, real authentic self. Woo Hoo! Nothing feels as good as living from your genuine self. You start to realize how unhappy it makes you to try and pretend that you’re anyone else. And you feel less and less desire to spend time with anyone who doesn’t love and accept you for being you. When we live authentically in the moment we are conscious; being free to choose what to think, feel, say and do whatever most supports us in each moment. Living authentically allows us to consciously choose to create the body, life and happiness you deserve.
Go on, just be you and see what difference it makes in your life!
wonderful post Lysa! thankyou x