Monday, January 23

The Power of Positive Feelings to Help Motivate you for Longer!

We’ve had a theme of goal setting and motivation at the beginning of this year. Today’s blog will deepen into the power you can wield once you discover the difference between the two types of motivation. We all understand that constant motivation is crucial when it comes to getting started on losing weight and maintaining the process to get to your goal and then beyond.

So how can we stay motivated for longer?

You know yourself better than anyone else knows you on the planet. You need to be able to use your power of focus to concentrate on the reasons why you want to lose weight. It’s thinking about why we want to do something that will give us the fuel of motivation. It’s very important to understand that not all feelings of motivation are equal. There are two types of motivation; and varying degrees of fuel located within each.

The type of motivation that peaks up high and then dips down low is what we call ‘Negative Motivation’. It's great for getting us started. It's the most common way that women motivate themselves to lose weight. It’s about focusing on a reason to lose weight that feels bad or negative. For example, ‘I have to lose weight or my partner will cheat on me’, ‘I have to lose weight so that I don’t have to go on more medication’ or ‘I have to lose weight, so my old friends won’t say anything about my weight at the reunion’. Notice how fear based and heavy these reasons to lose weight feel. Negative motivation starts with a high kick, but soon dives down low. 

On the other hand positive motivation is a constant… starting from a lower point, it gradually rises and then peaks in an exponential curve that goes onward and upward. Examples of positive motivation to lose weight are: ‘I have to lose this weight, to free myself’, ‘I have to lose weight to show my children I care about myself, ‘I have to lose this weight, to look on the outside, as good as I feel on the inside.’

Don’t pay attention so much to the words of these sentences, notice how you feel when you say them. The examples of positive motivation are not exclusively ‘positive motivation’ for all people either. They are merely common examples of words that a high majority of people do feel good about. It’s crucial to use your emotional awareness to pick up whether you feel positive or negative when you contemplate your most important reasons to lose weight. 

Finally, Zig Zigglar said it well, “Some say that motivation doesn’t last, well neither does bathing that’s why we recommend it daily”. We do not judge positive and negative motivation as inherently good or bad; they merely have different functions. Negative motivation is great to get you going in a big way, however for sustainable results you need to uncover positive motivation to benefit from it over the long run. Go on, think about what makes you feel negative motivation to start losing weight, great... That will help you get started. Now pause to think what is a good feeling reason why I want to lose weight that will support me over the long run to get to my goal. 

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